Common Objects

Describe basic entities such as buyers, sellers, financial institutions, and more

Vehicle Object

To skip to the full vehicle json schema, see the documentation for generating a transaction or data enrichment.

Working with Vehicles in the API

The Vehicle object is a core component of the Cardinal Gray API, representing both the physical characteristics of a vehicle and its registration details.

Best Practices

  • When transacting on new vehicles, it makes most sense to provide as much information as possible, because data enrichment with NMVTIS and State Data is unlikely to return any results.

  • When transacting on an existing vehicle, it makes more sense to reconcile your image of the current vehicle with real-time DMV data.

Transaction Object

The Transaction object represents a vehicle-related transaction that requires DMV documentation. It helps our system infer whether a vehicle is being refinanced or sold; sold via private party sale or auction. All with minimal user input.

Base Properties


The target state DMV which you wish to transact with. Must be a valid two-letter state code.


Date when the transaction was requested


Unique identifier for the transaction


Whether to pull NMVTIS data


Whether to pull state-specific vehicle data

For any transaction where the vehicle title state (i.e., vehicle.title.issuing_state) differs from the target state DMV (i.e. transaction.state), Cardinal Gray will automatically generate the paperwork associated with a state transfer from the vehicle title state to the desired target state.

Transaction Types

The Transaction object is extended to distinguish four distinct transaction types:

  • Direct Loan: encapsulating vehicle refinances, vehicle equity or title loans.
  • Sale: encapsulating private party, dealership, or auction sales.
  • Repo: encapsulating vehicle reposessions under the terms of a security agreement.
  • Salvage: encapsulating total loss claims.

Below are the additional properties for each: